
Source code for rising.transforms.functional.affine

import warnings
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from rising.random import AbstractParameter
from rising.utils.affine import (
from rising.utils.checktype import check_scalar

__all__ = [

from rising.utils.inverse import orthogonal_inverse

AffineParamType = Union[
    int, Sequence[int], float, Sequence[float], torch.Tensor, AbstractParameter, Sequence[AbstractParameter]

[docs]def expand_scalar_param(param: AffineParamType, batchsize: int, ndim: int) -> Tensor: """ Bring affine params to shape (batchsize, ndim) Args: param: affine parameter batchsize: size of batch ndim: number of spatial dimensions Returns: torch.Tensor: affine params in correct shape """ if check_scalar(param): return torch.tensor([[param] * ndim] * batchsize).float() if not torch.is_tensor(param): param = torch.tensor(param) else: param = param.clone() if not param.ndimension() == 2: if param.shape[0] == ndim: # scalar per dim param = param.reshape(1, -1).expand(batchsize, ndim) elif param.shape[0] == batchsize: # scalar per batch param = param.reshape(-1, 1).expand(batchsize, ndim) else: raise ValueError("Unknown param for expanding. " f"Found {param} for batchsize {batchsize} and ndim {ndim}") assert all([i == j for i, j in zip(param.shape, (batchsize, ndim))]), ( f"Affine param need to have shape (batchsize, ndim)" f"({(batchsize, ndim)}) but found {param.shape}" ) return param.float()
[docs]def create_scale( scale: AffineParamType, batchsize: int, ndim: int, device: Optional[Union[torch.device, str]] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[torch.dtype, str]] = None, image_transform: bool = True, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Formats the given scale parameters to a homogeneous transformation matrix Args: scale : the scale factor(s). Supported are: * a single parameter (as float or int), which will be replicated for all dimensions and batch samples * a parameter per sample, which will be replicated for all dimensions * a parameter per dimension, which will be replicated for all batch samples * a parameter per sampler per dimension * None will be treated as a scaling factor of 1 batchsize: the number of samples per batch ndim: the dimensionality of the transform device: the device to put the resulting tensor to. Defaults to the torch default device dtype: the dtype of the resulting trensor. Defaults to the torch default dtype image_transform: inverts the scale matrix to match expected behavior when applied to an image, e.g. scale>1 increases the size of an image but decrease the size of an grid Returns: torch.Tensor: the homogeneous transformation matrix [N, NDIM + 1, NDIM + 1], N is the batch size and NDIM is the number of spatial dimensions """ if scale is None: scale = 1 scale = expand_scalar_param(scale, batchsize, ndim).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) if image_transform: scale = 1 / scale scale_matrix = torch.stack( [eye * s for eye, s in zip(get_batched_eye(batchsize=batchsize, ndim=ndim, device=device, dtype=dtype), scale)] ) return matrix_to_homogeneous(scale_matrix)
[docs]def create_translation( offset: AffineParamType, batchsize: int, ndim: int, device: Optional[Union[torch.device, str]] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[torch.dtype, str]] = None, image_transform: bool = True, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Formats the given translation parameters to a homogeneous transformation matrix Args: offset: the translation offset(s). Supported are: * a single parameter (as float or int), which will be replicated for all dimensions and batch samples * a parameter per sample, which will be replicated for all dimensions * a parameter per dimension, which will be replicated for all batch samples * a parameter per sampler per dimension * None will be treated as a translation offset of 0 batchsize: the number of samples per batch ndim: the dimensionality of the transform device: the device to put the resulting tensor to. Defaults to the torch default device dtype: the dtype of the resulting trensor. Defaults to the torch default dtype image_transform: bool inverts the translation matrix to match expected behavior when applied to an image, e.g. translation > 0 should move the image in the positive direction of an axis but the grid in the negative direction Returns: torch.Tensor: the homogeneous transformation matrix [N, NDIM + 1, NDIM + 1], N is the batch size and NDIM is the number of spatial dimensions """ if offset is None: offset = 0 offset = expand_scalar_param(offset, batchsize, ndim).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) eye_batch = get_batched_eye(batchsize=batchsize, ndim=ndim, device=device, dtype=dtype) translation_matrix = torch.stack([[eye, o.view(-1, 1)], dim=1) for eye, o in zip(eye_batch, offset)]) if image_transform: translation_matrix[..., -1] = -translation_matrix[..., -1] return matrix_to_homogeneous(translation_matrix)
[docs]def create_rotation( rotation: AffineParamType, batchsize: int, ndim: int, degree: bool = False, device: Optional[Union[torch.device, str]] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[torch.dtype, str]] = None, image_transform: bool = True, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Formats the given scale parameters to a homogeneous transformation matrix Args: rotation: the rotation factor(s). Supported are: * a single parameter (as float or int), which will be replicated for all dimensions and batch samples * a parameter per sample, which will be replicated for all dimensions * a parameter per dimension, which will be replicated for all batch samples * a parameter per sampler per dimension * None will be treated as a rotation angle of 0 batchsize: the number of samples per batch ndim : the dimensionality of the transform degree: whether the given rotation(s) are in degrees. Only valid for rotation parameters, which aren't passed as full transformation matrix. device: the device to put the resulting tensor to. Defaults to the torch default device dtype: the dtype of the resulting trensor. Defaults to the torch default dtype image_transform: bool inverts the rotation matrix to match expected behavior when applied to an image, e.g. rotation > 0 should rotate the image counter clockwise but the grid clockwise Returns: torch.Tensor: the homogeneous transformation matrix [N, NDIM + 1, NDIM + 1], N is the batch size and NDIM is the number of spatial dimensions """ if rotation is None: rotation = 0 num_rot_params = 1 if ndim == 2 else ndim rotation = expand_scalar_param(rotation, batchsize, num_rot_params).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) if degree: rotation = deg_to_rad(rotation) matrix_fn = create_rotation_2d if ndim == 2 else create_rotation_3d sin, cos = torch.sin(rotation), torch.cos(rotation) rotation_matrix = torch.stack([matrix_fn(s, c) for s, c in zip(sin, cos)]) homo_rotation_matrix = matrix_to_homogeneous(rotation_matrix) if image_transform: homo_rotation_matrix = orthogonal_inverse(homo_rotation_matrix) return homo_rotation_matrix
[docs]def create_rotation_2d(sin: Tensor, cos: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Create a 2d rotation matrix Args: sin: sin value to use for rotation matrix, [1] cos: cos value to use for rotation matrix, [1] Returns: torch.Tensor: rotation matrix, [2, 2] """ return torch.tensor([[cos.clone(), -sin.clone()], [sin.clone(), cos.clone()]], device=sin.device, dtype=sin.dtype)
[docs]def create_rotation_3d(sin: Tensor, cos: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Create a 3d rotation matrix which sequentially applies the rotation around axis (rot axis 0 -> rot axis 1 -> rot axis 2) Args: sin: sin values to use for the rotation, (axis 0, axis 1, axis 2)[3] cos: cos values to use for the rotation, (axis 0, axis 1, axis 2)[3] Returns: torch.Tensor: rotation matrix, [3, 3] """ rot_0 = create_rotation_3d_0(sin[0], cos[0]) rot_1 = create_rotation_3d_1(sin[1], cos[1]) rot_2 = create_rotation_3d_2(sin[2], cos[2]) return rot_2 @ (rot_1 @ rot_0)
[docs]def create_rotation_3d_0(sin: Tensor, cos: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Create a rotation matrix around the zero-th axis Args: sin: sin value to use for rotation matrix, [1] cos: cos value to use for rotation matrix, [1] Returns: torch.Tensor: rotation matrix, [3, 3] """ return torch.tensor( [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, cos.clone(), -sin.clone()], [0.0, sin.clone(), cos.clone()]], device=sin.device, dtype=sin.dtype, )
[docs]def create_rotation_3d_1(sin: Tensor, cos: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Create a rotation matrix around the first axis Args: sin: sin value to use for rotation matrix, [1] cos: cos value to use for rotation matrix, [1] Returns: torch.Tensor: rotation matrix, [3, 3] """ return torch.tensor( [[cos.clone(), 0.0, sin.clone()], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-sin.clone(), 0.0, cos.clone()]], device=sin.device, dtype=sin.dtype, )
[docs]def create_rotation_3d_2(sin: Tensor, cos: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Create a rotation matrix around the second axis Args: sin: sin value to use for rotation matrix, [1] cos: cos value to use for rotation matrix, [1] Returns: torch.Tensor: rotation matrix, [3, 3] """ return torch.tensor( [[cos.clone(), -sin.clone(), 0.0], [sin.clone(), cos.clone(), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], device=sin.device, dtype=sin.dtype, )
[docs]def parametrize_matrix( scale: AffineParamType, rotation: AffineParamType, translation: AffineParamType, batchsize: int, ndim: int, degree: bool = False, device: Optional[Union[torch.device, str]] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[torch.dtype, str]] = None, image_transform: bool = True, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Formats the given scale parameters to a homogeneous transformation matrix Args: scale: the scale factor(s). Supported are: * a single parameter (as float or int), which will be replicated for all dimensions and batch samples * a parameter per sample, which will be replicated for all dimensions * a parameter per dimension, which will be replicated for all batch samples * a parameter per sampler per dimension * None will be treated as a scaling factor of 1 rotation: the rotation factor(s). Supported are: * a single parameter (as float or int), which will be replicated for all dimensions and batch samples * a parameter per sample, which will be replicated for all dimensions * a parameter per dimension, which will be replicated for all batch samples * a parameter per sampler per dimension * None will be treated as a rotation factor of 1 translation: the translation offset(s). Supported are: * a single parameter (as float or int), which will be replicated for all dimensions and batch samples * a parameter per sample, which will be replicated for all dimensions * a parameter per dimension, which will be replicated for all batch samples * a parameter per sampler per dimension * None will be treated as a translation offset of 0 batchsize: the number of samples per batch ndim: the dimensionality of the transform degree: whether the given rotation(s) are in degrees. Only valid for rotation parameters, which aren't passed as full transformation matrix. device: the device to put the resulting tensor to. Defaults to the torch default device dtype: the dtype of the resulting trensor. Defaults to the torch default dtype image_transform: bool adjusts transformation matrices such that they match the expected behavior on images (see :func:`create_scale` and :func:`create_translation` for more info) Returns: torch.Tensor: the transformation matrix [N, NDIM, NDIM+1], ``N`` is the batch size and ``NDIM`` is the number of spatial dimensions """ scale = create_scale( scale, batchsize=batchsize, ndim=ndim, device=device, dtype=dtype, image_transform=image_transform ) rotation = create_rotation( rotation, batchsize=batchsize, ndim=ndim, degree=degree, device=device, dtype=dtype, image_transform=image_transform, ) translation = create_translation( translation, batchsize=batchsize, ndim=ndim, device=device, dtype=dtype, image_transform=image_transform ) if image_transform: total_trafo = torch.bmm(torch.bmm(translation, rotation), scale)[:, :-1] else: total_trafo = torch.bmm(torch.bmm(scale, rotation), translation)[:, :-1] return total_trafo
[docs]def affine_point_transform(point_batch: torch.Tensor, matrix_batch: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Function to perform an affine transformation onto point batches Args: point_batch: a point batch of shape [N, NP, NDIM] ``NP`` is the number of points, ``N`` is the batch size, ``NDIM`` is the number of spatial dimensions matrix_batch : torch.Tensor a batch of affine matrices with shape [N, NDIM, NDIM + 1], N is the batch size and NDIM is the number of spatial dimensions Returns: torch.Tensor: the batch of transformed points in cartesian coordinates) [N, NP, NDIM] ``NP`` is the number of points, ``N`` is the batch size, ``NDIM`` is the number of spatial dimensions """ point_batch = points_to_homogeneous(point_batch) matrix_batch = matrix_to_homogeneous(matrix_batch) transformed_points = torch.bmm(point_batch, matrix_batch.permute(0, 2, 1)) return points_to_cartesian(transformed_points)
[docs]def affine_image_transform( image_batch: torch.Tensor, matrix_batch: torch.Tensor, output_size: Optional[tuple] = None, adjust_size: bool = False, interpolation_mode: str = "bilinear", padding_mode: str = "zeros", align_corners: bool = False, reverse_order: bool = False, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Performs an affine transformation on a batch of images Args: image_batch: the batch to transform. Should have shape of [N, C, NDIM] matrix_batch: a batch of affine matrices with shape [N, NDIM, NDIM+1] output_size: if given, this will be the resulting image size. Defaults to ``None`` adjust_size: if True, the resulting image size will be calculated dynamically to ensure that the whole image fits. interpolation_mode: interpolation mode to calculate output values 'bilinear' | 'nearest'. Default: 'bilinear' padding_mode: padding mode for outside grid values 'zeros' | 'border' | 'reflection'. Default: 'zeros' align_corners: Geometrically, we consider the pixels of the input as squares rather than points. If set to True, the extrema (-1 and 1) are considered as referring to the center points of the input’s corner pixels. If set to False, they are instead considered as referring to the corner points of the input’s corner pixels, making the sampling more resolution agnostic. Returns: torch.Tensor: transformed image Warnings: When align_corners = True, the grid positions depend on the pixel size relative to the input image size, and so the locations sampled by grid_sample() will differ for the same input given at different resolutions (that is, after being upsampled or downsampled). Notes: :attr:`output_size` and :attr:`adjust_size` are mutually exclusive. If None of them is set, the resulting image will have the same size as the input image. """ # add batch dimension if necessary if len(matrix_batch.shape) < 3: matrix_batch = matrix_batch[None, ...].expand(image_batch.size(0), -1, -1).clone() image_size = image_batch.shape[2:] if output_size is not None: if check_scalar(output_size): output_size = tuple([output_size] * matrix_batch.size(-2)) if adjust_size: warnings.warn("Adjust size is mutually exclusive with a " "given output size.", UserWarning) new_size = output_size elif adjust_size: new_size = tuple([int(tmp.item()) for tmp in _check_new_img_size(image_size, matrix_batch)]) else: new_size = image_size if len(image_size) < len(image_batch.shape): missing_dims = len(image_batch.shape) - len(image_size) new_size = (*image_batch.shape[:missing_dims], *new_size) matrix_batch = if reverse_order: matrix_batch = matrix_revert_coordinate_order(matrix_batch) grid = torch.nn.functional.affine_grid(matrix_batch, size=new_size, align_corners=align_corners) return torch.nn.functional.grid_sample( image_batch, grid, mode=interpolation_mode, padding_mode=padding_mode, align_corners=align_corners )
def _check_new_img_size(curr_img_size, matrix: torch.Tensor, zero_border: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculates the image size so that the whole image content fits the image. The resulting size will be the maximum size of the batch, so that the images can remain batched. Args: curr_img_size: the size of the current image. If int, it will be used as size for all image dimensions matrix: a batch of affine matrices with shape [N, NDIM, NDIM+1] zero_border: whether or not to have a fixed image border at zero Returns: torch.Tensor: the new image size """ n_dim = matrix.size(-1) - 1 if check_scalar(curr_img_size): curr_img_size = [curr_img_size] * n_dim possible_points = unit_box(n_dim, torch.tensor(curr_img_size)).to(matrix) transformed_edges = affine_point_transform( possible_points[None].expand(matrix.size(0), *[-1 for _ in possible_points.shape]).clone(), matrix ) if zero_border: substr = 0 else: substr = transformed_edges.min(1)[0] return (transformed_edges.max(1)[0] - substr).max(0)[0]

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