
Source code for rising.transforms.compose

from random import shuffle
from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union

import torch

from rising.random import ContinuousParameter, UniformParameter
from rising.transforms import AbstractTransform
from rising.utils import check_scalar

__all__ = ["Compose", "DropoutCompose", "OneOf"]

[docs]def dict_call(batch: dict, transform: Callable) -> Any: """ Unpacks the dict for every transformation Args: batch: current batch which is passed to transform transform: transform to perform Returns: Any: transformed batch """ return transform(**batch)
class _TransformWrapper(torch.nn.Module): """ Helper Class to wrap all non-module transforms into modules to use the torch.nn.ModuleList as container for the transforms. This enables forwarding of all model specific calls as ``.to()`` to all transforms """ def __init__(self, trafo: Callable): """ Args: trafo: the actual transform, which will be wrapped by this class. Since this transform is no subclass of ``torch.nn.Module``, its internal state won't be affected by module specific calls """ super().__init__() self.trafo = trafo def forward(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Forwards calls to this wrapper to the internal transform Args: *args: positional arguments **kwargs: keyword arguments Returns: Any: trafo return """ return self.trafo(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Compose(AbstractTransform): """ Compose multiple transforms """ def __init__( self, *transforms: Union[AbstractTransform, Sequence[AbstractTransform]], shuffle: bool = False, transform_call: Callable[[Any, Callable], Any] = dict_call, ): """ Args: transforms: one or multiple transformations which are applied in consecutive order shuffle: apply transforms in random order transform_call: function which determines how transforms are called. By default Mappings and Sequences are unpacked during the transform. """ super().__init__(grad=True) if len(transforms) > 0 and isinstance(transforms[0], Sequence): transforms = transforms[0] if not transforms: raise ValueError("At least one transformation needs to be selected.") self.transforms = transforms self.transform_call = transform_call self.shuffle = shuffle
[docs] def forward(self, *seq_like, **map_like) -> Union[Sequence, Mapping]: """ Apply transforms in a consecutive order. Can either handle Sequence like or Mapping like data. Args: *seq_like: data which is unpacked like a Sequence **map_like: data which is unpacked like a dict Returns: Union[Sequence, Mapping]: transformed data """ assert not (seq_like and map_like) assert len(self.transforms) == len(self.transform_order) data = seq_like if seq_like else map_like if self.shuffle: shuffle(self.transform_order) for idx in self.transform_order: data = self.transform_call(data, self.transforms[idx]) return data
@property def transforms(self) -> torch.nn.ModuleList: """ Transforms getter Returns: torch.nn.ModuleList: transforms to compose """ return self._transforms @transforms.setter def transforms(self, transforms: Union[AbstractTransform, Sequence[AbstractTransform]]): """ Transforms setter Args: transforms: one or multiple transformations which are applied in consecutive order """ # make transforms a list to be mutable. # Otherwise the enforced typesetting below might fail. if isinstance(transforms, tuple): transforms = list(transforms) for idx, trafo in enumerate(transforms): if not isinstance(trafo, torch.nn.Module): transforms[idx] = _TransformWrapper(trafo) self._transforms = torch.nn.ModuleList(transforms) self.transform_order = list(range(len(self.transforms))) @property def shuffle(self) -> bool: """ Getter for attribute shuffle Returns: bool: True if shuffle is enabled, False otherwise """ return self._shuffle @shuffle.setter def shuffle(self, shuffle: bool): """ Setter for shuffle Args: shuffle: new status of shuffle """ self._shuffle = shuffle self.transform_order = list(range(len(self.transforms)))
[docs]class DropoutCompose(Compose): """ Compose multiple transforms to one and randomly apply them """ def __init__( self, *transforms: Union[AbstractTransform, Sequence[AbstractTransform]], dropout: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.5, shuffle: bool = False, random_sampler: ContinuousParameter = None, transform_call: Callable[[Any, Callable], Any] = dict_call, **kwargs, ): """ Args: *transforms: one or multiple transformations which are applied in consecutive order dropout: if provided as float, each transform is skipped with the given probability if :attr:`dropout` is a sequence, it needs to specify the dropout probability for each given transform shuffle: apply transforms in random order random_sampler : a continuous parameter sampler. Samples a random value for each of the transforms. transform_call: function which determines how transforms are called. By default Mappings and Sequences are unpacked during the transform. Raises: ValueError: if dropout is a sequence it must have the same length as transforms """ super().__init__(*transforms, transform_call=transform_call, shuffle=shuffle, **kwargs) if random_sampler is None: random_sampler = UniformParameter(0.0, 1.0) self.register_sampler("prob", random_sampler, size=(len(self.transforms),)) if check_scalar(dropout): dropout = [dropout] * len(self.transforms) self.dropout = dropout if len(dropout) != len(self.transforms): raise TypeError( f"If dropout is a sequence it must specify the " f"dropout probability for each transform, " f"found {len(dropout)} probabilities " f"and {len(self.transforms)} transforms." )
[docs] def forward(self, *seq_like, **map_like) -> Union[Sequence, Mapping]: """ Apply transforms in a consecutive order. Can either handle Sequence like or Mapping like data. Args: *seq_like: data which is unpacked like a Sequence **map_like: data which is unpacked like a dict Returns: Union[Sequence, Mapping]: dict with transformed data """ assert not (seq_like and map_like) assert len(self.transforms) == len(self.transform_order) data = seq_like if seq_like else map_like rand = self.prob for idx in self.transform_order: if rand[idx] > self.dropout[idx]: data = self.transform_call(data, self.transforms[idx]) return data
[docs]class OneOf(AbstractTransform): """ Apply one of the given transforms. """ def __init__( self, *transforms: Union[AbstractTransform, Sequence[AbstractTransform]], weights: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, p: float = 1.0, transform_call: Callable[[Any, Callable], Any] = dict_call, ): """ Args: *transforms: transforms to choose from weights: additional weights for transforms p: probability that one transform i applied transform_call: function which determines how transforms are called. By default Mappings and Sequences are unpacked during the transform. """ super().__init__(grad=True) if len(transforms) > 0 and isinstance(transforms[0], Sequence): transforms = transforms[0] if not transforms: raise ValueError("At least one transformation needs to be selected.") self.transforms = transforms if weights is not None and len(weights) != len(transforms): raise ValueError( "If weights are porvided, every transform needs a weight. " f"Found {len(weights)} weights and {len(transforms)} transforms" ) if weights is None: self.weights = torch.tensor([1 / len(self.transforms)] * len(self.transforms)) else: self.weights = torch.tensor(weights) self.p = p self.transform_call = transform_call
[docs] def forward(self, **data) -> dict: if torch.rand(1) < self.p: index = torch.multinomial(self.weights, 1) data = self.transform_call(data, self.transforms[int(index)]) return data

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